
The Definitive Guide to Borneo Kratom

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Mar 18, 2023

Enjoy an authentically tropical Mitragyna speciosa experience with Borneo kratom. Sourced directly from the Southeast Asian jungle it shares a name with, Borneo is known for its peaceful properties and slow strain speed.

Welcome to my definitive guide to Borneo kratom. I’ve used and enjoyed red Borneo for many years, and I love it as much today as when I first tried it! In this review, I will introduce the red, white, green, and yellow Borneo strains, taking you through their effects, legality, and more.

Ready? Let’s get started. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in our articles are represented solely as the opinions of the respective authors, who do not claim to be medical professionals. We are not medical experts, just kratom enthusiasts.

What is Borneo Kratom?

No surprises here. Borneo kratom comes from the Southeast Asian jungle island of Borneo, which is part of three countries: Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. People in the region have used Borneo kratom for centuries, and it’s now become well-known in the United States.

Borneo is typically regarded as one of the most potent kratom strains thanks to its high alkaloid content. More than 40 indole alkaloids are found in kratom - mitragynine is the most common, with the ultra-potent 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-HMG) a distant second.

Types of Borneo Kratom

Borneo kratom is found in four varieties. However, while red, white, and green Borneo kratom is easily accessible, yellow Borneo is less common. Even though Borneo is associated with mellow and “slow” traits, each vein color produces a unique experience.

Let’s look in-depth at the effects of red, white, green, and yellow vein Borneo.

Red Borneo Kratom

Elevate your mood and enhance your creativity with this impressive red vein kratom. Borneo is considered a slow-speed kratom, and that is reflected in this strain’s well-balanced and never-overwhelming nature.

Red Borneo gives your mind a pick-me-up without sending your physical energy levels surging. This makes it perfect for evenings when you want a kratom experience that doesn’t interfere with your sleep. 

White Borneo Kratom

Enjoy gently energizing kratom effects with the intriguing white vein Borneo. People choose this strain to boost focus and clarity, bolster creativity, and keep them feeling fresh throughout the day.

White Borneo kratom is slightly slower than some white vein strains, bringing peaceful balance to your experience and staving off the intense headrush. With Borneo, you can indulge in white vein kratom without the jitterbugs. 

Green Borneo Kratom

Green Borneo occupies a satisfying middle ground between red and white Borneo. Anticipate mildly energizing effects but without the rush of a white vein strain.

Other Green Borneo characteristics include elevated mood, more clarity, and increased sociability. Green vein kratom is a reliable all-rounder and can serve you well at any hour.

Yellow Borneo Kratom

Yellow Borneo is undoubtedly unique, even if kratom users debate its origins. The strain’s energizing and uplifting traits support the theory that it is a blend of green and white vein kratom. Yellow Borneo is likely left in the sun postharvest to ferment.

Whichever Borneo kratom you go for, remember that the effects can vary. Regard this section as a general overview rather than a specific blueprint of what you can expect from different types of Borneo. 

What to Look For When Shopping for Borneo Kratom

If you don’t know what you are doing, shopping for kratom is notoriously hit-and-miss. Companies make products differently and not every brand has such scrupulous quality standards.

But while the kratom market is mostly unregulated, there are still some awesome manufacturers bringing premium products to the public. Looking for high-quality Borneo kratom powder? Here are three things to bear in mind. 

Organic Kratom

Organic is best, and that is undeniably true of Mitragyna speciosa products. Your Borneo kratom should be alkaloid-rich, potent, and free from herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and other contaminants. The only way to ensure this is by purchasing organically-grown kratom.

Organic, non-GMO kratom is not only safer and more flavorful. Sustainable growing practices are better for the environment and help ensure the soil remains nutrient-rich for future kratom trees.

Even so, not all farms cultivate organic kratom in the same way, meaning further potential variance in quality. Much comes down to the harvesting and processing methods used, hence why you must find a vendor that works with a reputable source.

Third-party lab testing also provides an indication of whether a product is genuinely organic. 

Third-Party Lab Results

A vendor might tell you they sell the world’s best Borneo kratom products - but they aren’t likely to say anything else! However, third-party lab testing allows bullish kratom brands to back up their talk.

Only a few states regulate kratom, and there is no current regulation at the federal level. Therefore, the kratom industry needs third-party testing to raise product standards and stop bad actors from running amok.

Good third-party lab analyses for Borneo kratom products verify alkaloid potency and check for contamination. And if the results are good, you can bet the brand will want you to hear about them! But a company selling low-grade kratom won’t mention lab testing at all!

The American Kratom Association (AKA) also offers a helping hand with finding genuine products with its list of GMP-qualified vendors. The AKA is happy these companies are creating products per the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs).

Customer Reviews

Product reviews from verified customers count for plenty in the kratom scene. Some users complain about a lack of strain consistency between brands. Therefore, relevant customer reviews can help you decide if a specific Borneo kratom product is right for you.

I emphasize the word verified. Unverified product reviews can make matters more confusing. These could be left by rival brands to sow doubt about a product or by the manufacturer to dishonestly talk up a strain’s effects.

But legit customer reviews can prove a handy tool in finding legit Borneo kratom. 

The Legal Status of Borneo Kratom

Borneo kratom is federally legal but prohibited in six states and various lower-level administrative divisions (i.e., cities, counties, and towns). Kratom is banned in:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas 
  • Indiana
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin

Kratom law has too many ins and outs to discuss in this article. But don't worry, I've covered everything here!

How to Store Borneo Kratom

Keep your Borneo kratom products in a cool, dry, and dark location. The pantry is ideal unless you have children, in which case I recommend a locked or out-of-reach cupboard.

Exposure to oxygen and sunlight can cause alkaloid degradation, while exposure to moisture will make your kratom wet and possibly lead to contamination. That is why you should not leave your product unsealed, in the sun, or in a humid place like the kitchen.

Storing kratom powder is a little trickier if your product does not come in a high-quality resealable bag. I suggest decanting the powder into an airtight container (e.g., a mason jar) and keeping a note of the strain name and storage date. 

Borneo Kratom Side Effects

Not to ruin the mood, but we need to talk about kratom's side effects. I am not here to lecture, but if you know what could go wrong after taking Borneo, you can take action to stop the worst from happening. Kratom use is associated with various side effects, such as:

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Drowsiness
  • Hallucinations
  • Headaches
  • Itching
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating

Click here for more on kratom’s uses and side effects.

Taking safety precautions when using Borneo kratom can help promote a positive experience. Here are my suggestions:

  • Begin with a low dosage - don’t worry about taking less than the recommended amount
  • Avoid taking kratom with other substances, such as cannabis and alcohol
  • Take tolerance breaks to stop your serving size from creeping up
  • Keep hydrated. Kratom can cause dehydration and indirect side effects like headaches
  • Consult with a doctor if you have any hesitations about using kratom 

Final Thoughts

That concludes this Borneo kratom review! There are reasons why this strain is a best-seller. Its versatility and predictable effects bode well for novices and long-term kratom users. If you want a premium kratom strain with chilled-out characteristics, Borneo is for you.

Mar 20th 2023 Andrew Summer

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