
Green Super Indo Kratom: Benefits, Effects, Dosage & Strains

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Hi there! I’m Phillip, and just like you, I'm very passionate about kratom. I've been using kratom since 2017 therefore, I'd like to share with you everything I know about this amazing plant. Learn more at About Us.
Dec 23, 2022

You may have heard of or used green Indo kratom. It is a well-balanced strain from Indonesia that enhances energy levels, concentration, and motivation. But have you tried green super Indo kratom?

Super Indo is a hybrid strain that produces amplified effects than green Indo. In this article, we will discuss:

  • What is green super Indo?
  • What is green super Indo kratom good for?
  • What is the optimal dosage for green super Indo?
  • What are the benefits and effects of green super Indo?

Let’s get started. 

What Is Green Super Indo Kratom?

The main difference between green Indo and green super Indo kratom is potency. Green super Indo produces all green Indo’s properties but in an intense form. If you are not looking for a powerful strain, get green Indo, as it is mild. The super strain may feel overwhelming.

But how is green super Indo made?

Farmers harvest this Indo strain later during maturity when the kratom leaves are bigger. By extending the strain’s growth time, the leaves pack more alkaloids to give the strain its unique alkaloid concentration.

Green super Indo has high ratios of Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. This makes it a unique strain since white vein kratom strains produce high Mitragynine and are effective as energy-enhancing strains. 

On the other hand, red vein kratom strains have more 7-hydroxymitragynine to induce soothing and relaxing benefits.

But green super Indo is rich in both alkaloid compounds. It also contains:

  • Speciogynine: An alkaloid that improves blood flow
  • Mitraphylline: It eases discomfort
  • Paynantheine: Balances the effects of kratom alkaloids

Green super Indo is one of the most potent green vein kratom strains. It is available as green super Indo kratom powder, capsules, extracts, and liquid kratom. 

Powders allow versatility when dosing; capsules offer convenience; extracts produce potent properties, while liquid kratom enables fast infusion. 

What Are the Functions of Green Super Indo Kratom?

As previously mentioned, green super Indo kratom is an enhanced version of green Indo. It combines the properties of red and white kratom strains in a balanced state.

The following are green super Indo kratom benefits:

Boosts Energy

Small and moderate kratom servings will give you a clean energy boost. The alkaloids bind to receptors in your body to generate energy and vivaciousness.

Green super Indo improves blood circulation, and when your body cells receive more oxygen, they are bound to produce energy. This kicks fatigue from your system.

Green super Indo is your go-to strain when you expect a long day ahead and need to stay sharp. Super Indo will not get you over-excited, overwhelmed, or jittery, according to green super Indo kratom reviews. 

Boosts Mood 

The strain is powerful in inducing euphoria, so you do not wallow in stress and unwanted emotions. Its alkaloid compounds bind to the receptors in your brain, dissipating your uneasiness. This generates a sense of wellness and uplifts your mood.

Green super Indo also promotes the release of dopamine and serotonin, two feel-good hormones. The strain can help promote positivity, motivation, and relaxation if you are having a bad day. 

Enhances Focus

Do you want mental clarity as you work on your next big idea? Green super Indo kratom can help you become productive. It elevates your concentration levels by clearing needless thoughts from your mind. It keeps you calm and focused when studying or working.

Additionally, green super Indo reduces lethargy and sluggishness. With these out of your way, you enjoy up to 8 hours of enhanced focus. 

Relieves Tension

The strain reduces tension and uneasiness. It invokes feelings of peace and euphoria, which can boost your mental wellness. 

Promotes Relaxation

Green super Indo promotes relaxation, but that’s not top of our benefits list. This is because you'll need to use high doses of this potent strain. 

As you can tell, super Indo is powerful in small doses. Therefore, using too much can overload your system and cause adverse reactions.

Try red Indo or red super Indo for soothing effects. 

Green Super Indo Kratom Dosage

The proper green super Indo dosage is key to reaping the above benefits. Unfortunately, there is no standard kratom dose. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Nevertheless, you can work your optimal dose based on these factors:

  • Your weight, age, and gender
  • Expected effects
  • Your tolerance

Weight, Age, and Gender

Your stature, age, and gender affect your kratom serving. Users with petite stature require lower doses than muscular users. It is the same for men and women. 

Men use a higher dose due to their masculinity. Meanwhile, younger kratom users need a higher dose compared to the elderly. 

Expected Effects

It would be best if you established what you hope to achieve using this potent strain. The strain produces different effects in low, moderate, and high servings. Here is our general recommendation to break it down:

  • 1 to 3 grams: To improve energy levels/Uplift mood
  • 3 to 5 grams: To enhance focus/Induce euphoria
  • 4 to 6 grams: To alleviate discomfort/Over-relaxation

Kratom Tolerance

Are you a beginner, a moderate, a seasoned, or a kratom connoisseur? Your experience with kratom determines whether you should use a low or high dose. We always advise beginners to stick to the lower end. This way, they experience lesser effects and understand what to expect.

Since green super Indo is a potent strain, here are our general dosage guidelines:

  • 1 to 2 grams: Beginners
  • 2 to 4 grams: Moderate users
  • 4 to 6 grams: Experienced users

Here is an insider tip: Green super Indo is a fast strain that works. It is not like other kratom strains that take an hour or more for you to feel the effects. So, only use low kratom servings and do not surpass a 6-gram dose.

Green Super Indo Kratom Side Effects

Green super Indo produces super effects. However, this powerful plant can result in these symptoms if misused:

  • Dehydration
  • Sleepiness
  • Gastrointestinal upset
  • Irritability
  • Frequent urination
  • Wobbles
  • Brain fog
  • Dependence
  • Addiction

Gastrointestinal Issues

Green super Indo can cause nausea, vomiting, and constipation, especially for first-time users. These symptoms hit differently when you use the strain on an empty stomach. Although an empty stomach promotes bioavailability, it also intensifies nausea and vomiting. Panicking also intensifies your negative effects.

Green super Indo produces relaxing effects that relax your mind and body systems, including the digestive system. Digestion may take longer, causing constipation. Fortunately, you can stay on top by eating fiber-rich foods and drinking water. 


Our bodies get rid of water through sweat and urine. Green super Indo intensifies the excretion of water and sodium through frequent urination. 

You may not pinpoint that the reason behind your dry throat, constipation, lightheadedness, and dizziness is a shortage of fluids in your body.

So, ensure you take electrolyte water or foods when using super Indo. Water is also fine, but not caffeinated drinks since they are diuretics. 

Dependence & Addiction

Super Indo kratom numbs negative emotions to keep you optimistic and calm.

Sadly, if you resort to this potent strain to ease your emotions, you might use it even if there are no emotions to quiet. Months later, your body may not function without kratom, and you become addicted.

How To Use Green Super Indo Kratom

Use Low Doses

Kratom is safer in low doses. You can safely increase the dosage if you do not feel the effects within three hours. However, there is no way to eliminate excess kratom in your system except wait it out. This can be risky since green super Indo kratom effects last 6 to 8 hours.

Also, use super Indo during the day to enjoy the increased energy levels. You do not want to be extra-active during bedtime. 

Have a Routine

Super Indo is not meant for everyday use. So, write down why and when you will be using the strain. For example, you can schedule it for Mondays and Fridays if you feel these are usually the longest days of your week that you need to pack extra energy.

When you use the strain, note the dosage, benefits, and effects. Creating and maintaining a kratom routine can improve your experience. 

Take a Break

Kratom tolerance is when your optimal dosage no longer produces desired effects. It is normal to develop tolerance, and some users resolve this by increasing their dosage. However, you can take a step back and stop using super Indo. 

During this time, engage in busy activities to distract your mind and stay hydrated.

Take a necessary break if you cannot operate without using super Indo. You can ask your doctor for assistance or enroll in rehab. 

Not for Pregnant Moms

If you asked most moms, pregnancy is a whirlwind of emotions. One minute you are happy; the next, you can't shake feelings of uncertainty. Although green super Indo can help kill these emotions, pregnant moms should not use it.

The strain affects fetal development, memory, and behavior. These babies suffer kratom withdrawal afterbirth, which honestly is brutal. 

Some Similar Kratom Strains

  1. Green Bali

Green Bali kratom produces powerful energy-boosting effects as super Indo. Its high alkaloid composition offers a balance between relaxation and increased energy. According to most users, the effects last five hours, but it may take a while before they kick in.

This strain from Borneo island enhances cognitive abilities, promoting focus, wakefulness, and concentration. Unlike coffee, green Bali does not cause negative sensations.

  1. Green Maeng Da

If you are looking for another hybrid strain, get Green Maeng Da. Farmers only use the strongest kratom strains to make it. Some farmers graft young kratom trees to alter their alkaloid concentrations, while others mix different strains. Either way, green Maeng Da is among the most potent green vein strains.

In low doses, the strain produces bursts of energy to keep you active and productive. It helps you conquer your day by reducing restlessness and generating a euphoric feeling. High doses of green Maeng Da are soothing and provide relief from unwanted sensations. Generally, this strain promotes physical and mental wellness.

  1. Green Indo

If your kratom preference leans towards a mild strain, green Indo is your best choice. It works well as a coffee substitute since its effects are not overpowering.

Green Indo kratom produces smooth energy that is neither intense nor weak. You will not feel supercharged or hyperactive, but you will get your jobs done. It also boosts attentiveness, whether at work or school. 

Where Can You Buy Green Super Indo Kratom?

Now that we know what green super Indo is, its benefits, dosage, and side effects, let us discuss where to buy the strain.

Kratom is federally legal, but this has not stopped some states and cities from illegalizing it. Besides, there is no government body mandated to regulate kratom products. So, you want to be on the safer end when buying green super Indo kratom.

Fortunately, Kratom Monkey is a reliable and trusted kratom vendor. We only sell pure, authentic kratom products sourced from Southeast Asia. The strains are organically grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals. Our lab results from independent laboratories are proof that our products are pure.

Our catalog has more strains to offer than green super Indo. We have powders, capsules, and extracts for the following strains:

There are also red kratom, white kratom, and yellow kratom strains. Visit our product page and place your order. We ship across all states except Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Alabama, Indiana, Vermont, and Arkansas.  

Final Thoughts

Green super Indo kratom is a perfect strain for increased energy levels. It produces immediate and lasting effects, unlike other slow strains. 

This hybrid strain also boosts your cognitive abilities, helping you to focus and concentrate. Additionally, it enhances your mood and promotes a heightened sense of self.

Can’t wait to try super Indo? Place your order now!

Feb 17th 2023 Phillip Rivera

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