
Red Asia Kratom: Benefits, Effects, Dosage & Buying Guide

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Hi there! I’m Phillip, and just like you, I'm very passionate about kratom. I've been using kratom since 2017 therefore, I'd like to share with you everything I know about this amazing plant. Learn more at About Us.
Dec 23, 2022

One of the most sought-after items on the market is Red Asia Kratom, but there is little information on its history or alkaloid composition. However, some have hypothesized that it is only Red Vein Bali under a different name.

What does red Asia kratom do? Is it the right kratom strain for you? Read on to find out.

In this article, you’ll learn more about Red Asia Kratom – its function, benefits, dosage, side effects, and where to buy them. We’ll also share with you a few other kratom strains similar to it. 

What Is Red Asia Kratom?

Red Asia Kratom is one of the most sought-after kratom strains out there. But, contrary to what some customers may believe, merchants don't only call their Bali or Indonesian strains by that name.

The Red Asia Kratom refers to a number of rare and distinctive kratom strains, like Red Sunda Kratom. It's also vital to remember that Sumatra, rather than Bali, is where most of the strains that make up the "Red Asia variety" are cultivated.

Contrary to popular belief, Red Asia Kratom is grown in the tropical wetlands of Sumatra, not in the family of Bali kratom strains. In this area, Mitragyna speciosa trees grow to extraordinary heights.

These plants produce leaves that mature to an amazing degree, yielding red vein kratom powder that is rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, and glycosides.

What Are The Functions Of Red Asia Kratom?

Red kratom strains are fermented. Therefore, higher quantities of certain alkaloids can occur due to spontaneous oxidation and fermentation.

Paynantheine, speciogynine, and the legendary 7-OH-mitragynine are the most prevalent alkaloids in red strains.

Red Asia kratom has a wonderful interaction between these potent chemicals that makes it sedating and soothing. As a result, this strain is well recognized for drowsiness, relaxation, focus, and clarity, which is frequently unexpected for a red strain.

So what does Red Asia Kratom do? Let’s take a look at them one by one (keep in mind that these outcomes might change based on the amount you take).


Red Asia Kratom shouldn't, in all honesty, be your go-to energy supplement. You can still get a slight boost with modest servings to give you a little push through the day. 

But if you need sustained energy for work, exercise, and other physically taxing activities, this isn’t the right strain for you.

Mood/Emotional Stability

Red Asia Kratom is also a good option for those looking to lift their spirits. It offers a sensation of calm and tranquility yet without the same intense dopaminergic bliss brought on by some of the more stimulating strains.

Lessening some of the senseless chatter that many of us encounter every day can help improve our mood.

It works well as a tranquil painkiller and can help with conditions like depression. Just keep in mind that this is a strong plant and deserves respect. If you abuse it, you will eventually have to deal with the consequences.

Pain Relief

No matter which of the specific strains you wind up with, Asia Kratom is excellent for pain relief. In addition, these varieties are among the finest for people looking for more potent sedatives and analgesic alkaloids.

Red Asia Kratom has helped many individuals wean off and finally stop taking prescription medicines since it helps at relieving pain.

Although we are unable to provide medical advice, there are several anecdotal stories of this occurring.


Sleep is where Red Asia Kratom begins to reveal its true strength. It's regarded as one of the top kratom strains for promoting sleep.

The alkaloids speciogynine and 7-OH-mitragynine found in high amounts in Red Asia strains are what make them so sedating.

These are the strains you should turn to if you want to relax after a stressful day at work, relieve tension, or combat sleeplessness.

Red Asia strains are not recommended if you want to have a productive day because of this as well. You’ll just end up wanting to sit on the couch more.


You might want to try Red Asia Kratom if you frequently experience anxiety, as this strain is renowned for its potent ability to help reduce anxiety.

It can halt a panic attack in its tracks and be effective in controlling generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety. Just be aware that this strain has a strong sedative effect.

If you want something to keep you awake and energized while calming yourself, you might want to consider using one of the other strains with energy-boosting properties.

Red Asia Kratom Dosage

You would anticipate dosage to be rather challenging given that Red Asia Kratom is really a name that describes a number of strains. Not for the reasons you may think, though.

Kratom may often be consumed in comparable amounts, with the exception of sporadic variations in alkaloid concentration.

Of course, these dosages are often based on kratom users who are "average" (whatever that might be). Just keep in mind that your age, weight, metabolism, and other factors are relevant.

If you're not experiencing the red asia kratom effects stated at the suggested levels, you should slightly reduce your serving. Below are a few words of advice and recommendations on how to go about the dosage.

Small Serving (Energy & Mood Boost)

A low dosage (1 to 3 grams) of Red Asia kratom won’t give you the relaxing properties of alkaloids, but you will experience a brief energy boost along with sleepiness and a positive attitude.

Medium Serving (Relaxation)

Even at smaller dosages, you could have some relief from anxiety, but a mild dosage is usually where Red Asia Kratom starts to become more noticeable.

Additionally, you'll discover that around 5 grams of Red Asia kratom will have you experience soothing effects on the body considerably faster compared to a smaller serving.

Large Serving (Sleep & Pain Relief)

If you prefer to pass out or get rid of your pain entirely, you might want to take a larger serving. However, after taking a dosage of around 5 to 8 grams, it's likely that all you'll want to do is relax and probably sleep in.

Red Asia Kratom Side Effects

All kratom may cause you to experience the following, especially in a large setting:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Mood swings
  • Sleepiness

In the case of experiencing these side effects, it would be best to get as much rest as you can and keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water.

To ensure you don’t experience these side effects again, you should increase the gap between servings.

Tolerance & Dependency

People who struggle with kratom often claim that the drug is not addictive since their bodies do not become used to it the way it may to alcohol, benzodiazepines, or opioids. However, despite the fact that this has been demonstrated via study, kratom is still a harmful substance.

Kratom is still not recognized as a medicine and is merely considered to be a dangerous intoxicant at the federal level, even though it isn't currently subject to strict regulation.

Regularly taking large amounts causes tolerance to develop and may even result in addiction, so be cautious.

Regulating your use will make it simple to prevent getting addicted. Sadly, kratom may be so potent in helping individuals manage a variety of issues that some people opt to start using it on a regular basis.

Although that may be the case, it would be best to avoid joining the bandwagon. If you prefer otherwise, your body will slowly start to build up a tolerance to kratom, which might result in addiction.

The best thing you can do is limit the amount of time you may use kratom to regulate your use. It is preferably recommended that you use kratom no more than once every three days to completely avoid tolerance and addiction.

Misusing kratom can cause risks, some of which include the following:

Rapid development

Since the majority of users of kratom are seeking to stop abusing opioids, tolerance to the drug is likely to grow quickly. This is because users who use opioids might start taking large servings to help their withdrawal symptoms.

The substance could have cross-tolerance with opioids given that they have comparable effects. Hence, it will be challenging to taper off or stop using kratom since the body will become accustomed to its presence.

Lack of oversight and regulation

Kratom is not regulated in the US, so utilizing it could be risky. Because there is no regulation over the production and distribution of the powder, there is a larger chance that the material has been tampered with adulterants like flour or other narcotics.

Kratom concentrations might vary across various brands and packages. Due to this issue, kratom users are more likely to have adverse side effects, overdose, and tolerance to other compounds in the drug.

Liver damage

Kratom abuse can result from tolerance to and dependency on the substance, which can create chronic health issues, including harm to the liver.

After as little as 2 to 8 weeks of consistent kratom serving abuse, frequently in the form of pills, capsules, or powder, damage to this crucial organ can start to occur.

Some Similar Kratom Strains

If you are looking for an alternative subtype of kratom, you’re in luck. There are other strains that offer the same enhancements as Red Asia Kratom. Here are a few examples:

Yellow Thai Kratom

Red Asia Kratom is made similarly to Yellow Thai Kratom. It does, however, have a little more stimulating impact. This makes it possible to get similar sedation and anxiety alleviation without putting you to sleep right away.

Yellow Thai Kratom provides you with a brief amount of energy, along with decent mood enhancements and sleepiness. And on top of all that, it’s best used for pain relief and relaxation.

Red Bali Kratom

Most frequently, Red Bali Kratom is considered to be the origin of Red Asia Kratom. But it has a distinct vibe all of its own. Due to its consistency and potency, it's typically the strain that beginning kratom users are recommended.

Red Bali may not give you a lot of energy, but it’s highly potent in terms of relieving pain and relaxation. 

Green Asia Kratom

Even more difficult to locate than Red Asia Kratom strain, Green Asia Kratom hasn't always received positive reviews from customers. However, if you're seeking a difficult-to-find green strain, it could be worth a chance.

Green Asia Kratom highly boosts your energy and mood. Although it does not excel in pain relief and sleepiness, it can help you relax when you need to.

Where Can You Buy Red Asia Kratom?

Experienced kratom users enjoy the potency of this red vein strain. However, it’s recommended to follow the serving guidelines mentioned above if you're a beginner in the world of kratom and decide Red Asia is a strain you want to explore.

That said, many websites out there offer a wide variety of kratom products for you to purchase.

Kratom Monkey is a fairly new online shop but offers pretty much everything you need in terms of kratom at a reasonable price. 

In addition, they sell a wide variety of products you can choose from, such as Red Asia kratom powder, Dragon Horn Kratom Capsules, and different popular strains such as:

Final Thoughts

One of the harder-to-obtain strains of kratom is Red Asia. This is partially due to the lack of retailers who stock it.

However, you also don't know what kind of stress you could be experiencing. Whichever strain you choose to buy will probably be quite strong in any case. Red Asia Kratom vendors appear to make sure that everything supplied under this name is potent and efficient.

Red Asian kratom strains are among the best reds users have tried, with several users giving it a five-star rating. The freshness, power, and purity of Red Asia have received raving reviews.

They have been characterized as little more than a marketing ploy by some, while others have noticed its distinctive set of side effects. Customers should pay special attention to its broad range, which has characteristics of both "quick" and "slow" strains.

If you need any kind of assistance regarding Kratom, whether it’s about Kratom intake, product price, or any related concern, we at Kratom Monkey got your back.

Get your red asia kratom strain at Kratom Monkey today!

Dec 31st 1969 Phillip Rivera

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