Red Kratom vs Green: Which One Is Right For You?
Phillip rivera Pic
Hi there! I’m Phillip, and just like you, I'm very passionate about kratom. I've been using kratom since 2017 therefore, I'd like to share with you everything I know about this amazing plant. Learn more at About Us.
Jan 27, 2023

Red Kratom vs Green: Which One Is Right For You?

Kratom comes in four colors, and each strain within a color offers a unique combination of effects, with the exception of a few outliers. Hence, choosing the right color, and especially the right strain can be quite daunting if you’re new to kratom.

Everything else you need to know about red vs green kratom can be found here in this post. By the end, you’ll know exactly which of the two is best for you.

Let’s get started. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in our articles are represented solely as the opinions of the respective authors, who do not claim to be medical professionals. We are not medical experts, just kratom enthusiasts.
green and red kratom powder in a bowl

Red Kratom vs Green Kratom

Kratom, also known as Mitragynine Speciosa, originates from the regions of Southeast Asia, in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, with the latter being responsible for 95% of all kratom exports worldwide.

The tropical climate and nitrogen-rich soil make Southeastern Asian countries the perfect setting for cultivating kratom.

However, not all kratom colors are created in the same manner. The factors listed below all come into play.

  • Maturity stage

  • Drying Processes (AKA Curing)

  • Fermentation

Most colors are derived from red strains, but they are harvested at different stages in the trees’ maturity, dried for different time periods, and/or put through different fermentation processes. The results are a change in the alkaloid makeup of each strain and thus, a different color.  

filtering red and green kratom powder

Many people have called us in the past complaining about their red strain looking more like a green strain. Howevever, that is absolutely normal. Every batch will vary.

For the most part, however, red strains will be a darker shade of red that looks almost brown, while green strains actually look like a type of green.

Also, when making tea, red powders tend to be more difficult to filter, as the consistency is slightly different than green strains.

Interestingly, green strains produce a stronger scent and bitter taste than red strains. I believe this to be the reason because of the cultivation process, which I'll explain below. 

making red kratom tea

How Red Strains Are Made

When kratom leaves are harvested later in their maturity, they will have a reddish color.

Contrary to green leaves, red leaves are dried using a lot of sunlight or a UV lamp. Sometimes, red leaves are put through a fermentation process which results in the Bentuangie strain, and possibly, yellow, and gold strains

making green kratom tea

How Green Strains Are Made

The leaves of green strains are harvested about halfway into their maturity. Hence, they tend to have a darker shade compared to white strains.

After the leaves are picked, they are dried. However, this is where the process differs a little bit. During the drying process, the green leaves are dried indoors, and sometimes with air conditioning.

The goal is to minimize exposure to sunlight, humidity, and heat, as those elements are known to destroy the plant’s alkaloids. 

making green kratom tea
red kratom teaspooon

Green vs Red Kratom Dosage

The dosage for green and red strains is the same.

If you’ve never used kratom, check out the table below for suggested starting doses. Just keep in mind to never take kratom twice on the same day if you’re new to the plant, as doing so will significantly increase the odds of experiencing side effects. 

Powder in Grams
# of Capsules
Under 150 lbs
150-175 lbs
175 - 200 lbs
200 lbs or more

Green Vs Red Side Effects

Both green and red strains have the potential to produce side effects if misused or abused.

The most common side effects include:

  • Dry Mouth

  • Constipation

  • Nausea

  • Vomit

Dry mouth and constipation are caused by failing to drink a sufficient amount of water while using kratom.

Nausea and vomiting are induced by using more kratom than your body can handle. As you consistently use either red or green strains, your tolerance will continue to increase.

When you’re new to kratom, the chances of experiencing side effects are significantly higher, which is why earlier I suggested taking kratom only once a day, at least until you become a more experienced user. 

Green vs Red kratom powder
Feb 25th 2023 Phillip Rivera

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