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Kratom Leafs

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You may be surprised to know that the kratom leaf is responsible for kratom’s amazing uses. So why would you prefer using leaves over powder or capsules? The answer will depend on how busy of a schedule you have, your tolerance to bitter flavors, and whether you enjoy teas!

What is Kratom Leaf?

Kratom is a tree originating in the regions of southeast asia where the natives have been using it for hundreds if not thousands of years. Kratom can be found in various colors including:   

Kratom Powder vs Leaf

Once the plant reaches a certain maturity, the leaves are harvested and dried. It’s at this point that the leaves are either left as is, converted into crushed or loose leaves, or grounded into kratom powder. A key note to remember, most people refer to both crushed leaves (AKA loose leaves) and raw undried leaves, as kratom leaf or kratom leaves. Hence, from this point forward, I’ll be referring to both as kratom leaves unless stated otherwise. Whole kratom leaves can be chewed then spit out, as is common with the natives. Kratom leaves, whether crushed or not, as well as the powder are commonly used to make tea. This begs the question, which form is the most potent? The answer is kratom powder, because powder exposes more surface area to the hot water which then extracts more alkaloids than leaves. Very few vendors sell whole kratom leaves as they’re hard to find. Hence, you’ll find crushed leaves more often.

Is Kratom Leaf Legal?

Like all forms of kratom, kratom leaves are perfectly legal in the United States, but only under federal law. Hence, if you happen to reside in any of the following six states, we will not be able to ship any kratom products to you.   

  • Wisconsin
  • Indiana
  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont 

What to Look For in Kratom Leaf For Sale 

If you’d like to protect your wallet and your health, there are a few things you should look for when shopping for high quality kratom leaves. However, before I begin, I’d like to mention that Kratom Monkey meets all of the following criteria, so if you’d like to save time, feel free to browse through our kratom leaf category page up above. 

Organic Leaf Kratom

First and foremost, make sure the kratom you’re about to purchase is free from heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli. You can do so by asking the vendor for lab results if they’re not already made public on their site, which leads me to my next point; lab results. 

Third-Party Lab Results

Because lab results verify the concentration of alkaloids, they protect customers from outlandish or false vendor claims while also providing them with the opportunity to compare various vendors. Hence, it’s crucial that a vendor provides lab results for their customers from a third party laboratory to ensure full transparency. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed 

No vendor can claim confidence in their products without providing a guarantee, which is why here at Kratom Monkey we offer a 45-day money-back guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied with the product. Simply send us an email, give us a call, or chat with us via our site chat and we’ll be happy to rectify the situation.

Kratom Leafs